Seventh International Conference on
July 01-04 2019 Marseille (France)
VenueThe seventh International Conference on Nonlinear vibrations, Localization and Energy transfer will be held by the Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics. The laboratory is located on the dynamic Technopole de Château-Gombert which gathers some of the Aix-Marseille University poles dedicated to science, the Centrale Marseille engineering school and many entreprises and startups. COMING TO MARSEILLEMarseille can be reached by high-speed train from Paris, Brussels or Barcelona. Local airport is Marignane. COMING TO THE LMAFrom the airport: Take the bus shuttle that takes you to the Saint-Charles railway station [+]. From the Vieux-Port or Saint-Charles railway station (about 25 minutes): Take subway 1 (blue line, "Métro 1" on the French signs) towards "La Rose" until its terminus (about 15 minutes from "Vieux port"). More info on the RTM website. Hotels in the centre of MarseilleMany hotels are located next to the Vieux-Port. Here is a non exhaustive list of possibilities: |